Roman + Kristina Intimate Wedding

At this time last year and the previous years, people would be getting ready to attend weddings. Getting busy selecting the best suits and gowns, ordering gifts for the couple, writing messages, travel out of town, etc.
But 2020 is different. Quarantine protocols have been put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 have made large gatherings impossible.

Starting in March this year, our weddings have been postponed, canceled, or downsized dramatically. Lots of dresses that were bought for a friend’s or relative’s now-postponed weddings have been left hanging in closets.
2020’s wedding season was virtually nonexistent. And there’s a huge possibility that weddings, grand and festive as we know them, won’t be the same for a long time.

Please click HERE if you can’t view the video below.

Roman and Kristina originally planned a garden wedding earlier this year. But due to the global pandemic, it didn’t go as planned. However, it did not stop them from pushing with their plans to get married despite it all. Against all odds, they changed the way we cover weddings. No preparation shots, no makeup artists, no host, no reception. Just the church wedding ceremony itself. Attended by no more than 30 people inside the Sacred Heart Parish with the rest of the guests (families and friends) attending via Zoom live streaming, a service we introduce for events such as these during the pandemic.

If you want us to cover your intimate wedding, please get in touch with us through email at or call/text us at +639166765808.

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